Activities at home
Welcome to the Summer Term!
Dear Parents/Carers and Reception pupils,
Christ the King will be welcoming some of our reception back to school this week. Things will feel a little strange as we will be following Government Guidance with regards to the Coronavirus and continue to maintain social distancing and a high standard of hygiene at all times. We will, of course ensure, to the best of our ability, that you enjoy the last few weeks of your primary education here at Christ the King.
It is important to note that we should at all times respect the decisions of those who have decided to come back to school for the rest of the Summer Term as well as those who have opted to continue to ‘Home School’.
Keep checking the class page and working through the activities.
We miss all and hope you are all keeping safe
The Reception team
Online Classroom - Oak National Academy This is a fantastic resource that we suggest all parents use during this time. You can access a variety of lessons and this will have a huge impact on your child's learning whilst they are not in school.
Please visit this youtube chanel for daily RML phonics lessons!
Home learning superstars!
Look at some of the fantastic work the Reception children have been doing at home!
Monday 5th May 2020
We are amazed with the fantastic work we have received after speaking to your parents on the phone. Lots of children are doing amazing work across all areas of the curriculum. This week children have received certificates for writing, maths and creative work. It is lovely to see so many of using the resources you have been provided with e.g. the weekly newsletter, RML phonics videos and The Oak National Academy. Keep up the good work!
Monday 11th May 2020
Thank you to those of you who are keeping us updated with your lovely photos. It has been lovely to see all your VE day celebrations and baking photos. Keep up the good work!
Monday 18th May 2020
Thank you to those of you who are continuously sending us your photos. We really enjoying seeing how much fun you are having completing the weekly activities. It is evident you are all working very hard - keep it up!
We have spotted some fantastic rocket and alien creations this week. Take a look in our slideshow below and see if you can spot yours.
Monday 25th May 2020
Thank you again for all your lovely photos. Have a look below and see if you can spot yours!
Enjoy the half term and stay safe.
Monday 1st June 2020
Well done to the children who have been working hard even during half term. Keep up the hard work!
Monday 8th June 2020
Well done reception! It is lovely to see so many of you enjoyed learning about 'The tiger who came to tea'.
Monday 15th June 2020
Monday 22nd June 2020