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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Science Tasks and Resources

Experiments to Try at Home .. (With an Adult!)

5th May- World Asthma Day


Look at the resources below to learn more about asthma.

Science Project- Famous Inventors and Scientists

Science for kids | Brilliant Brains | The Nervous System | Experiments for kids | Operation Ouch

Dr Chris and Dr Xand look at the amazing things our brains can do!Operation Ouch is a British science show for kids that is full of experiments

Science for kids | Body Parts - Unluckiest Kid Compilation! | Experiments for kids | Operation Ouch

In this video, we bring you every Unluckiest Kid featured in Operation Ouch! With cuts, broken bones, bruises, burns...

Science for kids | Body Parts - THE HUMAN HEAD | Operation Ouch | Experiments for kids

Dr Chris and Dr Xand are exploring the human head and everything it can do! From tongues to teeth, from ears to eye...

Science for kids | BREAKING BONES | Experiments for kids | Operation Ouch

Operation Ouch is a British science show for kids that is full of experiments and biological learnings.
