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Christ The King Catholic Primary School

“God’s Kingdom we will build, for our lives to be fulfilled”


Year 3


Year 3 Remote Learning


If your child is in the unfortunate position that he/she has to isolate and complete their learning at home, their work will now be uploaded onto Google Workspace each day. Your child will need to log in using their username and password and then click on the ‘Classwork’ tab within their Classroom for their year group to view their assignments for the day. 



Children should also be accessing the learning set for them on Bug Club, Maths Flex and Times Tables Rockstars.

Bug Club on ActiveLearn Primary See Page 11 of your pupil planner for your login details (School Code: wh9k)

Maths Flex See Page 11 of your pupil planner for your login details (Use this website to complete your online homework for Maths)

Times Tables Rock Stars See Page 11 of your pupil planner for your login details. Try out 'Garage' and 'Studio' to improve your 'Rock Status'!


Please click below for a list of other websites that you may find useful:

Home Learning Apps - KS2

Year 3 Remote Learning Gallery

Have an ICE day!!

Still image for this video

There's snow place like home!

Examples of work completed during Topic Week - Week Commencing 4th January 2021

Home Learning Week Commencing 4th January 2021

Home Learning Week Commencing 14th December 2020

Home Learning Week Commencing 30th November 2020

Christmas Reading Challenge

Home Learning

Please read the information below regarding Year 3 for September 2020

Year 3 will have PE every MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, please come to school dressed in your PE kit, you may wear your black pumps or trainers.  With the weather getting colder, we would suggest that you wear your jogging bottoms but you may bring your shorts in your bag. Girls please do not wear tights on PE days.   Thank you.  